Day 14 of 21 Days without Food.

Brian Campbell 21 Day Fast, Qigong for Weight Loss Leave a Comment

Qigong for Weight Loss Case Study: Day 14

Through producing this website I've learned how to evolve it! 

In today's video I share my cumulative 14 days without food fasting experience. I also talk about embracing discomfort.

A new realization has occurred to me regarding the format for this blog...

I started out intending to publish a long blog post to accompany each and every video. While this is a nice idea, it's not necessarily the best way to share this information.

Some information is better shared through video, and other information better shared through text.

From this point forward I am going to publish a longer blog post if it contains details which should be written down (like descriptions, definitions, lists of instructions, etc...)

I'm leaving it open. If a long post will improve what's discussed in the video, I shall create it. If a longer post just unnecessarily repeats the same concepts without adding value, I will opt for a short summary post.

I will continue adding the videos to the blog to help categorize them and provide supplemental information to integrate them with the rest of the information on this website.

Today's video is worth watching, it gives some useful advice and a glimpse into what fasting for 14 days without food is like.

Note: This blog post is also a supplement to the video above, so be sure to watch the video for the full story 🙂

Day 14 Without Food: Timeline

Day 14 happened on April 5th, 2020. Today was a continuation of feeling normal now. I now have to consciously remember that I'm fasting, I feel like I would if I were eating regularly. My body has adjusted to no food and a pure Qi diet!

Here’s what I did during day 14:


Did about 90 minutes of Qigong practice. Weighed in at 212.8, for 25.5 pounds of weight loss in the past 13 days!


Connected on social media, participating in Qigong groups on facebook, commenting on YouTube videos and taking part in conversations on twitter.


Did the Qigong for Weight Loss practices, recorded today's video and write this blog post!

4:30-7 pm

Went for a long walk with my wife.

7-10:30 pm

Hosted a bible study online for the church my wife attends to help people stay connected. Spent time alone with my wife before bed.

Final Thoughts About Day 14:

After spending the time to share this inspiration with the world, and putting in a few hundred hours to create the book, website and videos today I began to feel the real reason why I've created this.

I was able to connect with people today who are tuning into the frequency of Qi energy through this website, confirming that the intuition to create it was a good one!

Now this process can just be the fun that it was intended to be!

Thank you for taking the time to read & support this blog with all of your wonderful likes, comments and shares. Haola!

Your Comments Matter!

I spend 5 to 11 hours a day filming videos, writing blog posts, recording podcasts, and reaching out on social media so you can see this material for free to help you live more fully! I’m happy to do this for you because we all need more blessings in our lives. 

I would be extremely grateful to you if you left a comment with any observations or questions that you have. 

Your Comments:

  1. Allow me to help you in a deeper way by answering your questions.
  2. Allow other people to receive inspiration by seeing your opinions / challenges / insights.
  3. Allow you to share your own appreciation for having access to such powerful life-changing information for free on this website. 
  4. Help other people discover this material because Google, YouTube and Amazon LOVE it when you comment and they REWARD this website by showing it to more people. 
  5. Are a blessing to me because I am doing this to connect with and help people. When you leave a comment it lets me know that the message is reaching people and helps me do a better job at that. 

I would absolutely love to hear about your successes (even your challenges) with what I’ve shared in the post above. Was there a piece of info that you wished that I shared? What was your experience with what was shared? Did you try it? What happened? Does it sound too good to be true? Or are you already a master? 

Please leave a comment below. 


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